Elin Lanto – Skylight

“Utterly lovely and pretty much entirely forgettable.”

Tim: If you’ve not heard of Elin Lanto, she’s been off for three years so that may be why. Anyway, she’s back now with this lovely sort of dancey pop type ballady thing.


Tim: This here has the unfortunate combination of being both utterly lovely and pretty much entirely forgettable.

Tom: Oh, thank heavens, it’s not just me. It’s like waking up after a dream. There was… there was that bit that sounded a bit like the start of “I Want It That Way”? I think? And then an “aah-aah-aah-aah” bit.

Tim: Having heard it now four times, all I can really remember, aside from the “Sky-y-y-y-y-y-ylight” hook which is quite nice, is that she has a great gentle voice and that there was some really very enjoyable production underneath it. The main reason that annoys me? Within a couple of months, I’ll probably have Shazammed this a good ten times, and then I’ll feel stupid. If it wasn’t for that, I’d very happy listening to this over and over again.

Tom: I still think Shazam should just insult you if you tag the same song twice.