Tim: Last weeks we had a Stockholm Pride song; here’s a full on Europride song, which is a thing I didn’t know existed but apparently does. So there.
Tom: That… that goes a bit Jedward at the start. “Heart is jumping” sounds a bit like the intro to Lipstick, surely?
Tim: Spectacular? No. Groundbreaking? No.
Tom: Much like that video: the editor really needs to buck their ideas up a bit. Slow crossfades, white flashes and odd cuts? Must try harder.
Tim: Enjoyable and on-message, though? Absolutely. With decent vocals, good production, and above all a very danceable tune, I will accept this as a tune.
Tom: Yes. It is certainly a tune. It is not, however, a CHOON — although it gets a bit close during that final reprise.
Tim: Only problem is that it’s so generic there’s not much more to be said about it. Erm. Yeah, that’s it.