Martin Stenmarck – Sommarbarn

“Gosh, that’s enjoyable. Or irritating.”

Tim: According to Google, Sommarbarn either means ‘in summer’, ‘summer beach’ or ‘summer child’, but I’m not sure which it is here.

Tom: Well, that’s helpful.

Tim: You’re welcome. And Tom, I’d advise you skip the first eight seconds.

Tom: Kids’ choir, I guess?

Tim: Gosh, that’s enjoyable. Or irritating, I can see why some people might find it irritating if they’re not keen on the whistling, or find the kids backing up the chorus distracting. In fact to be honest I’ve heard it just twice and both of those things are starting to grate on me now I’ve thought about them that way.

Tom: Ah, see you’re just one listen behind me there.

Tim: The first time I heard it, though, I really liked it, so I suppose what we have here is a song that we can all hear once and then never really want to hear again.

Tom: I’d agree with you there.

Tim: A clear success story, then.