Josh Record – Wide Awake

“The kind of thing that’d appear in a proper art gallery.”

Tim: “Poignant yet somewhat uplifting, if that’s possible,” says CB from Brazil. “That soaring chorus is just perfect!”

Tom: Firstly, that’s a gorgeous video. This is the kind of video that justifies music videos as an art form: that’s the kind of thing that’d appear in a proper art gallery.

Tim: Secondly: for a song that’s titled Wide Awake, those verses did an astonishingly good job of sending me to sleep.

Tom: Now, as for that chorus: I think ‘soaring’ oversold it a little. It’s not bad by any means — it certainly stood out in an overly-downbeat song. Poignant yet uplifting is right: the melody if happy, the instrumentation is sad.

Tim: It stood out, yes, but for me only because the rest of it is just a tad tedious. I get that it’s a downbeat song and doesn’t want to be overly excited and happy or anything, but jeez, give us something to keep us out of a coma.

Tom: An interesting combination, sung wonderfully, and I find myself leaving it the way I leave a lot of art exhibitions: glad I saw it, with no great desire to immediately go back, but slightly better for the experience.

Tim: Slightly more well-rested, anyway.