Tim: An Indian Summer, a period of above-normal temperatures, accompanied by dry and hazy conditions, usually after there has been a killing frost, according to the Great God Wikipedia.
Tom: Or for a more friendly definition: lazy, warm, late autumn days.
Tim: So that’s something you can bear in mind when you’re listening to this isn’t it.
Tom: So, a lady who’s presumably been through some hard times, but is fairly confident it’s going to get better, albeit only briefly it would seem.
Tim: Before the long, cold descent into winter. Sorry, apparently I’m just tearing apart metaphors lately.
Tom: But never mind, it’s apparently worth celebrating anyway. And why not? Let’s take all we can get, throwing ambition to the wind, and giving as many ey-ahs as we possibly can.
Tim: And that is a lot of ey-ahs.
Tom: This is, really, a lovely track, one to sit back and relax to and gently enjoy. And with all that’s going on, I find that entirely enjoyable. Decent voice, yep, nice backing vocals, yep, great backing, also yep. No complaints at all from me. Great track.