Tom: Another one in from CB in Brazil here, who describes it as “Brazilian synthpop done right”. Now, to be fair, I’ve never heard Brazilian synthpop done wrong, or indeed at all, so I’m not sure what to expect here.
Tom: Now, we’ve talked about music like this before. It mostly washes over me, as indeed this has, but you tend to get excited about it. What d’you reckon?
Tim: Not so much this time – it’s nice, sure, but this isn’t one I find myself getting excited about – the chorus instrumental melody is fairly simplistic, and the lyrics and verses don’t really do anything for me. I don’t think it’s a language barrier thing, as that’s never presented a problem before, so it might just be a sense of almost tedium.
Tom: That’s a shame: there’s clearly potential here.
Tim: I get a feeling, especially in the final vocal section coming up to the three minute mark that there’s just a sensation of “okay, let’s just keep the words coming, almost there now”. Doesn’t really do it for me, unfortunately.