Gabrielle feat. Thomas Eriksen – Ti Kniver

“It’s very, very difficult to pull off “morose” in a song like this.”

Tim: We haven’t featured Gabrielle since last August’s (exquisitely reviewed) #SitterHer; let’s fix that.

Tim: That’s quite a lovely track – it’s been a while since we’ve had a decent dance ballad, and though I can’t say I was screaming out for one. I certainly won’t complain about it.

Tom: I will!

Tim: Yeah?

Tom: It’s not dancey enough to be dance, and not ballady enough to be a ballad. It occupies a middle ground, and while that can be fine, the melody and production just aren’t good enough to balance the two.

Tim: Really? Because I reckon the production’s great on it, and the melody of the singing is lovely, albeit morose.

Tom: Morose! That’s the word. That’s why I don’t like it all that much. It’s very, very difficult to pull off “morose” in a song like this.

Tim: Strange, because I think it works well. Ti Knivers means Ten Knives, so to be honest I’m not sure I want to hunt down the lyrics to translate them. I’ll just assume she’s dedicating this song to a really tough steak, and then I can forget about any potential violence issues, as long as I also forget about the rather odd ‘bitch’ that comes out of nowhere.

Tom: It’s always a little unnerving, that. English swearing seems to be powerful in nearly any language.

Tim: The singing itself with the slightly odd variant of autotune it’s got going on strangely doesn’t bother me – in fact, I really rather like it. Basically, as long as we selectively forget certain bits, #lovely.

Tom: Involuntary cringe at that hashtag, there.