Tom: Astonishingly, this is their debut single.
Tim: YES.
Tom: Firstly and most importantly: it is annoying me SO MUCH that the Rock Band-esque plectrums aren’t matching up to the actual notes.
Tim: YES to that, and also to “the lie they TIHINK I’M LIVING get’s me high”. It’s weird – so much effort has clearly gone into that, which almost makes me think they’re trying to annoy people.
Tom: “Definitely Busted lyrics, not McFly lyrics,” says Matt, our Radio Insider. He’s right, as well.
Tim: Oh, see I DISAGREE most vehemently. It struck me as I was listening to it that the best Busted songs were all telling silly stories: getting off with an air hostess, or a great-great-great-granddaughter, or Miss McKenzie, or just being superheroes. Though I suppose it’s closer to that than the standard romantic lyrics that McFly go in for either, so maybe.
Tom: The trouble is, if this is the lead single, I’m a bit worried about the rest of the album.
Tim: Yeah?
Tom: The track feels a bit cold and clinical to me, like there’s something missing. There’s not much of the old spark there, until the middle eight.
Then it finally kicks in — after that, it’s recognisably their sound, and the final chorus sells it, complete with the “silence the guitars and do two beats a capella in tight harmony” bit that always works so well. But the rest of it just doesn’t seem to match the standard that they’ve had in the past.
Tim: No – there’s the sense of fun that’s not so much there. I’m not sure I’d describe it as clinical, but you’re right there’s something missing. Listen to the second verse – “I know I’ll never make it but tonight I’m good enough to fake it.” Lyrics are fine, but they’re not smiling when they’re singing, and I WANT THEM TO BE. However, despite that, I have no real problems with this musically, and the chorus is great, and singalongable, and shouty, and great.
Tom: And what’s with that ending? You’re ripping off Rock Band in the video, you’re doing your big first debut single as a group — where’s the Big Rock Outro? Hammer the guitars, go crazy on the drums, do a big final blast instead of ending it coldly.
Tim: Hmm – it’s enough for me, but I certainly get where you’re coming from.
Tom: Don’t get me wrong, I reckon it’s an okay album track, maybe even a third or fourth single — but the lead? It’s not quite there.
Tim: I’d say B-, and it hasn’t stopped me being excited about the album.