Sharks – Wait

“Definitely worth the wait.”

Tim: I thought of a great introduction to this, then realised that if I wrote it you probably wouldn’t want to listen to it. So I won’t write that, and instead I’ll say try not to be put off by the verses.

Tim: Okay so what I was going to say was along the lines of ‘If you’d only heard I Love It and not liked it, you’d probably describe this as “Icona Pop, but even worse”.’

Tom: That’s true, but I’d say this is better than I Love It.

Tim: Really? Because as I see it, it’s largely tuneless, the stuff in the background is primarily noise…

Tom: Wait, really? It’s more tuneful than shouty, that’s for sure, and the production’s pretty damn melodic. They’re using loud and square-sounding synths, sure, but it’s certainly got a melody in there.

Tim: Oh, the production, sure, but so was Icona Pop’s. It’s the vocals in the verses that really get me – almost irritating to listen to.

Tom: That first line did grate a bit, but for some reason the fact that they really committed to it rescued in my head: perhaps it reminded me a bit of old J-Pop or something similar.

Tim: HOWEVER, I will say that if you can get past the intro and the verse and the pre-chorus, there’s a very good chorus in there. It’s a big if, and like the songs says you have to wait (even if you don’t want to), but it’s definitely there, and possibly worth the wait.

Tom: Definitely worth the wait.