Tom: And then there were three.
Tom: So Decent Solo Career and Comedy Surname have left, which leaves Tax Dodger and The Other Two.
Tim: Which is a perfectly good band name in its own right – don’t know why they’re sticking with this.
Tom: And the result is surprisingly good, I reckon.
I found myself nodding along to this: it’s a surprising cross between original 90s Take That and modern production, and it sounds really rather good. There’s enough similar styles in there that it’s still absolutely recognisable as a Take That song.
Tim: It is that, and yeah, it’s decent enough – nothing amazingly special, admittedly, but it’s good enough to be an album lead track, even after some time away. Get people back in the mood for it.
Tom: The trouble is… once it had finished, I couldn’t remember it at all.
Tim: Really? Because I’ve got the “gonna live for” fairly stuck in my head.
Tom: There’s no massive singalong hook in there: just a ‘these days’ that, out of the context of the song, actually sounds a bit downbeat and melancholy. Go on, try singing it on your own, a capella. It’s like Eeyore decided to do a vocal line.
Tim: Maybe, although that then seems plain suicidal if they’re what you’re living for.
Tom: And once I noticed that, the whole song fell apart for me. I still love that intro — it’s the best bit of the song — but the rest of it just seems to have something missing. Two things missing, perhaps.