Tim: Despite being thoroughly disapproved of by Russia and my grandfather alike, Conchita’s not going anywhere from her victory six months ago, and has come up with this to prove it.
Tim: A song about how we can all be heroes, just by doing little things to make other people feel better, according to Conchita, though the lyrics imply a more romantic idea; either way, it’s a nice track, with a big chorus.
Tom: Big?
Tim: Well, fairly big – it seems to come in with a massive drop, but that’s in comparison to what’s come before, which is basically nothing.
Tom: I just don’t hear it: there’s no massive drop here, and to me it comes off as a second-rate version of her Eurovision hit. Rise Like a Phoenix was a fairly dull song made much better by the performer, the staging, the context, and the MASSIVE instrumentation: here we’re lacking all of that.
Tim: Hmm. I don’t mind that this time, though – the fact is there’s nothing much there to take attention away from the vocal that’s clamouring for, and deserving of, your considerable attention.
Tom: That’s true: I can’t fault that vocal.
Tim: Because we can be heroes. We can do things for other people. We can improve lives. We can, dammit, BE GREAT PEOPLE. And listening to this track makes me think I should. I probably won’t, because I have to go to work in a few minutes and I’ll probably be grumpy within ten minutes of arriving, but right now is what counts, and right now WE CAN BE HEROES.
Tom: I think David Bowie got there first.