Tim: Yesterday we heard from Vinsten; today we hear a cover of their previous song, Luckiest Girl, albeit one that’s substantially restyled and slightly rewritten.
Tim: I say slightly rewritten – it’s been entirely translated into Swedish.
Tom: I think I understood “nattbuss”.
Tim: Probably, but it’s also had a few extra lines added, including the titular part, ‘Tysta Leken börjar nu, den som pratar åker ut’, which translates to ‘The game of silence starts now, the one who talks loses’.
Tom: I’m fairly sure my childhood equivalent of that is “silence in the courtyard, silence in the street, the biggest gob in England is just about to speak”.
Tim: Ha, I never heard that. That whole premise, though is slightly odd when the chorus means ‘tell me something I don’t know, tell me something I care about’, but who cares? Basically, it’s a great pop song with modern sounding verses and chorus synths from thirty years ago, all coming together to somehow give a cohesive tune, and that’s impressive even if the lyrics don’t make much sense.
Tom: Hmm. I’m not sold.
Tim: Well, as with yesterday’s, however much it changes throughout, it hangs together well and is a tune I’m happy listening to on repeat – that’s all I really ask for in this genre.
Tom: And as with yesterday’s: it just doesn’t do that for me. Still, each to their own.