Tim: I first heard this on Monday morning, thought it was a bit “standard dance track, move on”, but then I had it going round in my head for the whole morning, and most of the afternoon.
Tom: And I suspect the same thing will happen to me. That’s almost mid-90s synth-fake-steel-drums on the acking, isn’t it?
Tim: The only thing that shunted it out was hearing Shirley Clamp, prompted by the Band Aid announcement (and speaking of which, I do hope Pitbull’s going to be doing Dizzy Rascal’s job this time round).
Tom: I thought he was the natural pick too! It’ll probably be Ed Sheeran doing a questionable accent, although I reckon Dizzee is still big enough to be invited back.
Tim: Possibly, but not as fun. As for this track, I haven’t changed my view – it is quite the standard dance track, for a DJ to put in the middle of his set and hopefully not cause too many people to go and get a drink, but it’s a standard dance track with a couple of very good hooks in there and so I really rather like it.
Tom: Right – for once, we’re in agreement. It’s a middle-of-the-set track: it’s never going to be a floor-filler, but it’ll be a floor-keeper.
Tim: It might, in fact, get quite a few people up on their feet if they’ve finished the drink and the choice is dancing or back to the bar. By the end of it, you’re humming along, or louder, because suddenly you know that hook – its only been there two and a half minutes, but it’s in your head and you want to dance to it. Basically – standard dance track, but good at doing what it should be doing, in getting people dancing.