Ola – This Could Be Paradise

Tim: Remember Ola, seemingly annually of these pages? I’ll forgive you if you don’t, but here’s a new single from the Swede that’s initially released in, erm, Russia. I don’t know either, but here you go.

Tim: So what do we think of that then?

Tom: Well, that’s a blindingly good intro. Unusual synth, great melody.

Tim: It’s certainly got a cracker of a chorus, there’s no doubt about that, and to make things even better there are some pretty good verses in there as well – we’re only halfway through the first one before things pick up and get going properly. It’s all nicely based on a strong dance beat melody that, despite being only fifteen seconds long, loops throughout the song without getting annoying, though it does become hard not to hear once you notice it (you’re welcome).

Tom: Oh, damn it, Tim. You’re right: it’s just that good intro, looping through the whole song. Still, at least there’s enough over the top that it clearly works.

Tim: I particularly like the sort-of-backing-vocals that come in at the start and after each chorus, as they get the song off to a great PAY ATTENTION start, maintain interest after the first chorus and bring everything together nicely at the end. I’ve not even begun to mention the hefty instrumentation beneath each chorus, and indeed everything except the introductory first half-verse; basically, this is a great dance pop track, and I’d have trouble trying to criticise it, even if I wanted to.

Tom: I can only agree: this is brilliant.