Tim: The new One Direction album, FOUR, is a great example of guitar pop done very, very well. I mention that now for two reasons: firstly, it deserves to be said, and secondly, so is this, Gabriel’s follow-up to his October debut.
Tim: It cuts the right balance between being too loud and being horribly dull, the vocals are strong and heartfelt, and the progression from verse to chorus and back again is handled very well indeed.
Tom: I think you’re wrong, there. Yes, the tone’s about right, and there’s nothing technically wrong with the vocals: but I don’t get “heartfelt” in there, and I thought, specifically, that the transition into the chorus was rushed — perhaps a bar too early, with nowhere near enough build.
Tim: Huh. Well, maybe I’ve just been feeling unusually complimentary these past couple of days, but this is another track where I really can’t think of much to say against it – as guitar pop goes, this is bang on the money, and I’m happy listening to it a whole lot.
Tom: Well, you do tend to be a much more lenient reviewer than I do: there’s perhaps only one track a month here where I’ll enthusiastically go “YES”. This isn’t that track, but clearly it works for you.
Tim: In fact, I’d quite like a whole album of it, but until then I suppose I do have One Direction.