Saturday Flashback: Andy Burrows – Light The Night

“A beautiful track, with or without a flying snowman.”

Tim: The Snowman and The Snowdog was on TV the other night; it’s enjoyable enough, though a bit light on plot (and the bit where the snowman flies a plane is just downright unrealistic).

Tom: There’s a whole dissertation somewhere in the implications of that last sentence.

Tim: Well this here is the central musical piece of it. (Note on the video: you’ll know within twenty seconds or so whether it’ll annoy you or not; if it does, feel free to stare at another tab.)

Tom: I tabbed back to writing this after just fifteen seconds. Let me just check… yep. Right decision.

Tim: Yep. But it’s a beautiful track, whether or not it’s accompanied by a flying snowman.

Tom: Um. I suppose? It’s got some nice moments, true, but those verse aren’t up to much. What about it works for you?

Tim: Well, there’s a Sigur Rós-esque feel to it, a sort of ethereal quality that allows it to float around, which I suppose is entirely appropriate. It fits wonderfully into the film, with the big chorus themes being reused every now and again at big moments, giving some lovely goosebumps moments. Maybe it loses a bit just here on its own, but I still think it’s a lovely piece.

Tom: Ah, I suspect without that context, it loses quite a lot. It’s pleasant enough, I suppose, but it’s not going to be a classic any time soon.

Tim: In case you don’t know the name, Andy Burrows was the drummer for Razorlight for a while; the guy who composed Walking in the Air for the first Snowman film asked if he could do the music for this one, but then got in a huff when the producers asked him to send in a demo. As you do.