Tim: There seems to be a fashion at the moment for numeric album titles – One Direction’s FOUR, Take That’s III, Taylor Swift’s 1989, but before all those, back in October Zara released her first full album, simply entitled 1. This here’s the fourth track from it, and rather enjoyable at that.
Tim: Ever since dubstep made it mainstream, I’ve very much enjoyed a big two-step drumbeat to emphasise parts of tracks, and this makes excellent use of it.
Tom: Agreed. That’s been around for a long time, but it’s only gone mainstream lately. I remember us complaining about dubstep when it first went big, but now that the world’s gotten used to all of that — yes, it works extremely well. Bonus points for that twinkly piano bit near the end too.
Tim: PAY ATTENTION TO THE CHORUS, it says, because it’s important. You MUST be told about Zara’s weak heart, because you need to act upon it. Probably.
Tom: Really?
Tim: Actually you don’t, Zara just wants you to hear her being annoyed, but still, it’s a great way to demand interest in a song while it’s being played, and after it’s been played it encourages contemplation and thoughts of “well, that was a powerful track, I should hear it again”. And you what? I think I will.
Tom: Like yesterday’s, it’s a bit too slow and downbeat for me: I like my emotional ballads BIG and my dance tracks DANCEY, and this falls uncomfortably between the two. But that’s my taste, and not a reflection on the track itself: I can see why you’ll play it again.