Tim: Madeon’s releasing his first album in a few weeks’ time; here’s the new track from it.
Tom: It’s been a long time coming, but the tracks he’s released in the past have generally been good. This one…
Tom: …is pretty much exactly what I expected.
Tim: It always feels like I’m doing an artist a disservice if I ever say “don’t get bored, wait for it”, which is why I didn’t earlier; typically it’d imply that the verse is dull but the chorus more or less makes up for it. Here, though, well, yes, the first verse can get a bit tedious once you’ve got over the pleasant-but-not-all-that-interesting bottom line, especially if you’re not a fan of his vocals, but the chorus made me sit up and really go “whoa” and remember who I was listening to.
Tom: Yep. Same reaction here.
Tim: After that, sure, there was the obligatory dip for the second verse, but that was kept nice and short and then it’s hefty and hard-hitting all the way from two minutes onwards, with a by and large very good track.
Tom: It’s… well, yes, it’s not bad at all. I’m going to do my standard complaint about overcompression here, though: this is full-on wall of noise, and you can actually hear every other instrument dip when there are big percussion hits. Normally that doesn’t bug me, but here the effect’s been dialled up so high that, for me at least, it’s a little bit tiring to listen to. But yes: the track itself does exactly what it’s supposed to do.
Tim: So let’s have that album, please.