Moa Morfeldt – You and I

“Almost, but not quite, on a professional level.”

Tim: You know, I’ve always felt that a line like “when you call” can always be improved with a sound effect of a ringing phone on top of it, and it seems that this new Swedish singer thinks the same.

Tom: Well, that’s a bit unintentionally… Casio electric keyboard, isn’t it? “First release ever” from that record label, which explains some of it.

Tim: Also fun: the video. Why do something ridiculous, inventive or beautiful when you can do something that is basically partly you singing and partly an exact visual representation of the lyrics?

Tom: I’ve seen worse: it’s almost, but not quite, on a professional level. The depth-of-field works, the colour grading’s been done properly: but then there’s things like the odd angle in the tiny recording booth, the lens flares, and so on; it’s, again, a first release and it shows.

Tim: Snarkiness aside (don’t know why I’d suggest that, mind), this is a fairly standard and alright pop song – ignore the video, ditch the sound effect, and I might enjoy listening to it, because that chorus really is quite good. Five out of ten, could try harder.

Tom: And hopefully they will.