Tim: Bringing us a song with a pleasingly introductory title, Mahanna are a Faroese duo, half of which is beardy and half of which isn’t.
Tom: Given the population of the Faroe Islands is only about 50,000, I’m surprised it’s as good as it is.
Tim: Well, he’s got a future in humming if nothing else, but I reckon that despite starting out slowly, that moves on to becoming a very decent track.
Tom: Oh, I got properly enthusiastic about this from that first pre-chorus: this is well composed, well produced and well sung.
Tim: It took me a bit longer, as it really take its time somewhat – the choruses show promise, certainly, with the pleasingly delicate piano underneath them, and the second one throws more in there yet, but it’s not until we get out of the middle eight that everything comes together and we get a proper clap-along track, but you know what? I don’t resent that all that much.
Tom: It’s rare for me to be okay with something that’s a “builder”, but this really does pay off. More like this, please.
Tim: Yes – I do mildly resent the humming, mind, because there’s just far too much of that whichever way you look at it, but other that it’s a great final chorus.