Tim: Avicii brought farmhouse music to the world; Avicii will now take it away, because he is done with it.
Tom: Really? See, this is still to his formula: introduction on a traditional instrument, guest vocalist who gets no credit at all, and only an intermittent bit that’s actually danceable.
Tim: Now, we could talk about the music, but it’s basically standard Avicii going back to before he discovered the countryside, perfectly serviceable stuff and there’s not much else to say really.
Tom: Other than that main melody is bloody close to the chorus of Toca’s Miracle? Let’s gloss over that.
Tim: So let’s discuss that video. First, despite the clearly MASSIVE amount of effort that’s been put into that, there’s a typo in the SECOND WORD. How, please?
Tim: Oof, blimey. But secondly, and mostly, it makes the music seem like a soundtrack. But so what? Most people just hear the track? NO. YouTube’s a VERY big player in the streaming industry and the way a lot of people consume music, and watching this feels a bit like watching Steamboat Willie or some such.
Tom: You say that, but I reckon they have it on in a background tab, or gaze at the comments instead unless there’s a spectacular video. And what’s wrong with Steamboat Willie, anyway?
Tim: Oh, nothing at all – I’d just be surprised if anyone had watched it purely for the music. This, though, pretty much is a spectacular video.
Sure, the music’s there and is good, but that big dance section at the end, that’s not a dance section – that’s an accompaniment to a happy ending. I’d dance to it, sure, but I wouldn’t buy it, or possibly even listen to it on Spotify, because it’s now all about that video.
Tom: Huh. Okay, I see your logic there.
Tim: To be honest, this is a problem that’s pretty much caused itself – if YouTube’s a main way of listening to music, music has to look good in the video – so I’m not sure what the way to solve it would be. On the other hand, I’m really just hear to criticise from the sidelines rather than provide solutions, so SORT IT OUT PLEASE GUYS.