Tim: Tonight’s the night! Just time for one more reject then, and with this from Norway let’s go back in time about twenty years.
Tom: Oh good heavens. A full brass section and crooning guitar; synchronised male instrumentalists behind a female singer with lots of hairspray and big hand movements. You’re right: this is mid-90s Eurovision.
Tim: That it most certainly is, bringing back memories of what Eurovision could be – instead of (spoiler for tonight) dreary ballad after ballad after ballad, we have lively songs, with orchestras and brass and electric guitars. I like that.
Tom: Agreed: these days, it sounds more like a daytime chat show introduction theme, but it’s still lovely. Brought a proper smile to my face in a way that most songs we have don’t.
Tim: What with it being twenty years out of its time, mind, it’s hardly surprising that it didn’t qualify for Norway’s final, but I can listen to it and think of the glorious Katrina days, so for that I’ll have it.