Tim: CHALLENGE for you: listen to the first second of this and don’t start singing one particular pop song from 1999.
Tom: Well, that’s this song ruined for me.
Tim: I’ll be honest, that’s the main reason I chose it, along with the fact that the beginning of each chorus line reminds me of Madonna’s Music, the video of which I’ve just discovered has Ali G co-starring.
Tom: I really dislike that track, mainly because I remember seeing her perform it at Live 8, and she dragged that bloody “bourgeoisie and the rebel” line — perhaps one of the worst lyrics of that decade, and that’s saying something — out for about four minutes on its own. She can stuff that. Anyway.
Tim: Anyway indeed – back to this, shall we? Enough of similarities; how is it on its own? I’d say: fairly decent. Not overwhelming good, but certainly a very nice and fairly energetic backing track, and for that it’ll do me nicely.