Tim: RIGHT THEN. Remember yesterday, with Rebecka Karlsson’s track that turned out to be a not-quite-seamless cover? Yeah, well here’s the original, from Reykjavik Pride 2014. They do like their Pride songs in Scandinavia, don’t they?
Tim: And that there sounds a WHOLE LOT BETTER, and not just because it’s more of a unified track, actually.
Tom: A string section! Much better production! Oh, that’s fantastic time. Although I’m sure I’ve heard that guitar part in the intro somewhere before.
Tim: Yeah? Not sure I recognise it. But the rest, WELL. For a start, there’s the lead-in to the chorus which comes straight from Je Ne Sais Quoi, and anything that involves Hera Björk get ten points in my book. The same can be said for any dance track that brings in a key change – I’m happy to accept that on standard pop tracks they can be overused, but on a dance track like this, it’d be criminal not to have one.
Tom: Yep, I broke out into a big grin. Hearing the cover version first is weird: in my head, this is the “fixed” version, not the better original.
Tim: Well, either way, we’ve got twenty points out of ten already, and we’ve only looked at a few seconds of it. It’s got top notch strings on there as you’ve pointed out, and, most importantly, everything blends nicely. So sorry, Rebecka – I’ll be sticking with the original.