Tim: This got released a couple of months back, and when I heard it on Radio 1 yesterday I realised it didn’t do anyway near as well as it deserves to have done – it barely made the top 200, dammit. So let’s use all our might to give it an extra push, shall we?
Tom: Yup. All our might.
Tim: True, it’s advocating a pretty awful way of living, but otherwise it’s good and shouty and has all the party, so there’s really no reason why it shouldn’t have done just as well as Boom Clap and Doing It, really.
Tom: Perhaps it’s just more of the same? There’s an element of luck — or at least, unknowable chance — in working out what the public will like. Maybe the promotion wasn’t quite there, or maybe it just isn’t quite as good. But it works.
Tim: I’d be thoroughly miserable right now about the whole situation, actually, if I didn’t have this song here to cheer me up. Let’s just put it down to being the fourth single from an album, shall we, and, oh, I don’t know, let’s be outrageous, why not. That’s the attitude she’s going for, right?