Tim: This comes as part of a thing called “Songs With Pride”, run by, of all people, the shopping chain 7-Eleven; basically, a number of songs released last week to coincide with Stockholm Pride Week. Press play.
Tim: So, talk about a downbeat intro, but it does at least set the scene.
Tom: As do all the lyrics: they’re not really in favour of subtlety or metaphor, are they? Uncharitably, I could call them a bit trite and obvious, but I suspect that’s rather the point.
Tim: Wouldn’t surprise me – it doesn’t seem to be a song particularly worried about subtlety. For the rest of the music, though: coming up to the chorus, my thought was “I’ve been waiting a long time, this had better be BRILLIANT”, then “oh, underwhelming”, but then just a few seconds later “ooh actually this is exactly what it should be”. It’s not a big pop song, it’s a gentle number, about how things will look better in the future; it’s about how right now, sure, it really really sucks, but it’ll change, and improve.
Tom: They ain’t Tom Robinson, that’s for sure, but then who could be?
Tim: Well, quite. For the message they’re sending, this song gets that across brilliantly, building up in steps throughout. It’s great.