Elizabeth Kostas – We’re Goin’ Down

“Boy, that escalated quickly”

Tim: VIDEO IDEA: take an insanely hot guy, strap him to a chair, and stroke him gently. That’d certainly work for me, and it appears it works for Elizabeth.

Tim: …but I think the phrase “boy, that escalated quickly” has never been more appropriate.

Tom: BLOODY HELL that’s creepy.

Tim: I mean, WOMAN – are you out of your freaking mind? I know cheating is a dick move and all, but you are SETTING HIM ON FIRE? BURNING HIM ALIVE? What would you have done if you’d walked in on him in the act? Picked him up in a helicopter and dropped him in Chernobyl? Jesus Christ, I don’t blame him for wanting to be rid of you – you strike me as the sort of person who might put laxatives in his coffee for a month if he was five minutes late for a date. What’s the MATTER WITH YOU?

Tom: It’s an odd call for a video, isn’t it? Maybe I’m just a bit out of touch, but premeditated violent murder as music video seems a Bit Much.

Tim: Decent enough song, though.