Tim: Alexander: part Greek, part Swedish, former child TV person, former Sweden’s Got Talent contestant, current music singer. Got all that? Here’s a tune that’s part dance, part straight pop and part…well, have a listen.
Tim: And I love most of that very, very much.
Tom: Agreed: when the first verse makes me sit up and pay attention, it bodes well for the song. Bit confused by the chorus not kicking in until much later than it “should”, but the eventual drop made up for it. But then…
Tim: But, that, thing, in there as a post-chorus is just plain unpleasant, compared to everything else – particularly when it’s followed immediately by that gorgeous second verse. It’s unusual for a verse to be my favourite part in the song, but with its introducing those fantastic strings it sounds just wonderful. The chorus on its own is decent enough, but then comes that bit again.
Tom: Five years ago, I’d have complained about a dubstep drop there, complaining it sounded just as discordant and odd. Now, is this a new trend that’s just starting, or is it just a producer making a bizarre decision to drop in a weird guitar riff?
Tim: I’d be more inclined to give it a pass if it was only after the first chorus and for middle eight, but then it closes off the song, and leaves a nasty taste in the mouth. I don’t know, maybe it’d be like the dubstep bit in Amazing and would get okay with repeated listening…but I don’t want to listen to it repeatedly. Massive shame, I think.
Tom: It is: because the rest of this is wonderful.