Tim: Saturday: a cover of an old and overly-sweet Miley Cyrus movie song. Monday: a new and not overly-sweet Miley Cyrus movie song.
Tim: Are we meant to like Miley Cyrus at the moment? I know Wrecking Ball was brilliant, but are we all still judging her for that Robin Thicke incident or have we moved on?
Tom: After the Flaming Lips collaboration? She’s still in “trainwreck” territory for me, but that’s musical, not personal.
Tim: Well, anyway, whatever we think of her as a person, this is a pretty respectable song. I can’t decide if I want the chorus to be even more powerful or not – somehow it’s lacking something.
Tom: That’s exactly what I thought! If you’re doing a song like that, the chorus needs to make people sit up and take notice — I barely spotted that it had happened.
Tim: The contrast between the various sections is fine, but I think I want either some extra line under everything, or possibly—actually, definitely—a bigger final chorus. Much bigger one, to signify that THIS IS IT. Other than that, it’s pretty good – good enough for me to scramble quickly to get my phone out to Shazam it off the radio, anyway.
Tom: The true mark of a good track. I’m not sure if I’m being sarcastic, that’s what I did with the Cher track from Saturday.