Tim: Wait for it, wait for it…
Tom: Taking their video cues from the Blair Witch Project, there.
Tim: Right, so there’s a lot of the waiting and not a lot of the it, at least in terms of duration, but when it does arrive, it’s well worth paying attention to.
Tom: Agreed: but I’m not sure about the rest of it.
Tim: Well I see this at several levels – the opening verse and the beginning of the middle eight, both a bit dull; the second verse, the pre-chorus and the end of the middle eight, all fairly decent; and then the chorus proper, which is just lovely. Builders are tricky ones to get right, what with having to cut a balance between peaking to soon and going way, way too slowly; this one just about falls on the right side of that fence for me, so I’ll have it.
Tom: Not quite for me: I’ll agree with you that the chorus is excellent, but I just don’t think the rest is. It doesn’t really build: it’s just a minute or so of dull interspersed with not quite enough excitement to make it work.
Tim: I’ll certainly have that final chorus, at any rate.