Tim: I feel like I write this at least every six, but: new Swedish boyband for you.
Tom: With a name that’s not googlable at the moment. They should have dressed up as chickens instead and called it… Pollo 5.
Tim: I feel I should do something violent with my hands…it’s either clap or slap, I’m not sure which.
But as ever, we’ll save the names for if and when the second track arrives, because there’s no point putting effort in unnecessarily, but here’s the debut track for now.
Tim: Though despite all my snark at the top, this is a perfectly decent track to launch a career off.
Tom: Mm. The thing is “perfectly decent” isn’t enough. McFly had 5 Colours; One Direction had What Makes You Beautiful. This isn’t in that league. This isn’t anywhere near that league. This is barely playing three leagues down — well, you know, that metaphor’s gone far enough now.
That said: these guys appear to be using the modern “slow launch on YouTube” approach, rather than the “splashy first single and marketing” approach, so who knows?
Tim: There’s not that much interesting to be said about it, to be honest – standard verse, decent chorus, happy fare at the end with optimism throughout.
Tom: Whoa, optimism? We got a completely different feeling off the track. This sounds melancholy and lonely to me: it’s a post-breakup song with an air of “screw you” to it.
Tim: Oh, yes, it has a massive air of “screw you”, but it’s an air given from a higher place, looking down with an almost gloating “I’m amazing, sucks to be you” vibe, especially with that “I know, I know, I know, I know, you’ll never do better” line. It’s an incredibly harsh and dickish form of optimism, but it’s definitely there.
And an album of this calibre would be entirely welcome. Let’s hope I do get to introduce them properly.