Tom: “Hello? Oh, hi Captain Picard, how’s it going?” No?
Tim: No. Instead, Tom, we have a Song With A Message. It a companion song to the Children’s Climate Conference, which is apparently a thing, where kids who don’t have faith in the grown-ups in Paris next month are going “to have their own climate conference, and put pressure on the world’s adults.” Yep.
Tom: Or in other words, do absolutely nothing but get some good PR for someone and have something on the CV.
Tim: Yeah, sounds about right Also, advance warning for you: kids backing choir in the chorus.
Tim: And the thing is, regardless of how sickening (albeit theoretically admirable) that intro spiel was: I quite like this song. Take away the kids, alter the lyrics so they’re not so patronising, and we could really have a decent tune on our hands.
Tom: Hmm. There are some interesting bits in there (that glissando on “calls”, for one). Yep, given a bit of a makeover, perhaps this could be OK.
Tim: I’m tempted, then, to call this a bit of a waste. Sure, a charity single is worthwhile and all that, but when a song has so much potential but is dragged down by self-imposed necessities, it’s a real shame.
Tom: And by a kids’ choir. Seriously, there’s no need.