Taylor Swift – Wildest Dreams

“It’s pleasant and enjoyable to listen to, and it certainly keeps people coming back for more.”

Tim: Fifth(!) single from 1989 but it still got top 5 in America a couple of months back, and now it’s getting a push over here – latest from Tay-Tay (a better nickname than Jeppo?).

Tim: And BOOM, DECONSTRUCTION, for all the snarky arseholes who were about to say “no, she never went within 200 miles of a lion there”, so nicely played Taylor. In other news; nice track, and a whole lot more pleasant to listen to than Bad Blood was.

Tom: Having listened to 1989 a few times, I started out by writing “and she’s starting to get to the weak tracks”. But on reflection…

Tim: Well indeed – the main question is: is it clear that it’s a fifth single? Was it released just to get more cash or because it’s a great track? I’m guessing: bit of both. It’s pleasant and enjoyable to listen to, and it certainly keeps people coming back for more.

Tom: And, heck, if you’re still touring, and you can still get airplay: well, why not? It doesn’t feel overstretched, which is a sign of just how good an album 1989 is.

Tim: It does, though, serve as a reminder that the whole 1989 campaign started almost two years ago now, even if the album itself is only a year old, so it kind of gets me thinking: NEW STUFF I WANT MORE. And that’s never a bad thing for people to say of an artist. Unless you’re Rihanna, in which case it’s getting really rather tired by now.