Tom: Our reader, Joe, sends this in. He says it’s “some French house that I found on Soundcloud while looking for something completely unrelated. I quite liked it.”
Tim: Sure, I’m up for that.
Tom: You know Justice? This is some other French people trying to be Justice.
Tim: I don’t know them, but okay.
Tom: Because this does sound startlingly like Justice: it’s like they’ve directly ripped off their synth patches for some of it. But if you’re going to copy a band, that’s a good one to pick: † is one of my favourite albums right now, and this song could sit quite happily… well, maybe not on it, but certainly as one of the bonus tracks for an overseas market.
I think that’s a compliment. It was meant to be.
Tim: Yeah, just about comes across as one. Not for me, personally – I like my synths less harsh, a bit fuzzier – but sure, sounds decent enough, and I’m always happy for suggestions. CHEERS JOE.