Joe & Jake – You’re Not Alone

Tim: SO, first public vote the UK’s had in six years; here’s what we came up with. Couple of notes: Joe’s the one who looks like a young Louis Tomlinson, while Jake’s got the guitar, and also one of the writers is in fact Siva off The Wanted.

Tim: And, well, hmm.

Tom: That’s… that’s not terrible? I don’t think it’s a winner, mind, it might not even be top of the table, but it might do better than last year? I guess?

Tim: It wasn’t the best one of the bunch (we’ll save that for another day), but it’s decent enough, as long as we can sort out the vocals in the second pre-chorus. I’ll say this for them: that broadcast clip doesn’t do the song any favours whatsoever – it sounded incredible when I was there watching it be performed, but that just makes the vocals sound weedy.

Tom: Ooh, good gig-drop there, well done. Then yes: it sounds a bit weedy here, that’s the right word. (It’s notable, though, that Katrina sounds positively messianic: what a voice.) But give it proper Eurovision production, and make that final chorus a bit bigger, and it might… well, it might do okay.

Tim: Those aside, there’s nothing wrong with it – vocals are on point when they’re there, it’s got a decent tune and good backing music, with my favourite part being the electric guitar that’s clearly audible throughout despite the only one on stage being Jake’s acoustic one.

Hopefully the levels can be sorted properly for May, because then we might have a chance, and to be honest we’ll need it – it’s a decent song, but it’s boyband pop, and there’s no small amount of that this year.