Mørland – Skin

“A perfectly respectable grown up ballad.”

Tim: Last year, Mørland helped bring Norway to ninth placed at Eurovision with A Monster Like Me; this year’s he’s giving that sort of thing a miss, though, choosing to release music the normal way, with a lovely pretty video.

Tom: That is a pretty video. Very well done to that director, and to the drone team.

Tim: Now, it might just be the high notes in the chorus that remind me of Take That’s Shine, but that stands out to me as a perfectly respectable grown up ballad that a guy in his mid-thirties would put out.

Tom: He also looks rather like what would happen if you put photos of all five of Take That into a face-morph program. There’s a bit of Robbie in there, and a bit of Gary, and a bit of the other three that I can’t remember.

Tim: There’s a Jason, I think? And a Marc as well, I know that because of the unusual spelling. But anyway, I’m not entirely sure what I mean by “grown up”, but, well, that second part in particular after it’s all gone quiet, doesn’t really seem like anything just you’d get from a younger artist – there’s too much…I don’t know what.

Tom: Pathos, I believe is the term, and I reckon that’s the first time I’ve ever described a pop song with that word.

Tim: You know, that’s exactly the sort of word I was wanting, because yes, it’s there in buckets, and the song is very much the better for it – deep and meaningful, and beautiful to listen to.