Tim: This is… interesting. Yeah, that’s a decent way to introduce it.
Tim: There are bits that I really quite like, such as the choruses, and the outro; there are bits that I don’t like, like the intro to the first chorus and that part where the middle eight would go if this had much semblance of a structure; there are parts I’m indifferent to, like the intro, and the second verse.
Tom: I’ll be honest, I lost track of the structure of your sentence there — although I’d say the intro to that first chorus is brilliant. Which is apt, because I also lost track of the structure of this song.
Tim: It’s weird – there’s very little structure to the song. It took me a couple of listens to realise that there is no verse/chorus, as the lyrics are just one half repeated, and beyond the singular melody there’s not much unifying it – there seems to be a case of just turning up at the studio and winging it, thinking “yeah, let’s chuck that in there”. And I’m not sure if it works.
Tom: I expected not to like it at all: and then the string samples kicked in. And then I realised this is a really good soundtrack: I’m not sure what it’s a soundtrack to, but it’s a good one.
Tim: For me, at least, there’s enough I don’t like that I don’t want to keep listening to it, despite my liking a lot of it. Hmm.