Yohanna – Revolving Doors

“Let’s have a game of Guess What It Is About The Lyric Video That Annoys Tim Far More Than It Should.”

Tim: Nice ballad here for you, but to keep you interested in case you doze off, let’s have a game of Guess What It Is About The Lyric Video That Annoys Tim Far More Than It Should. GWIIATLVTASTFMTIS for short.

Tom: Is it the “wanna” instead of “want to”?

Tim: It’s not, no – that sort of thing I long ago learned to live with. It is actually: WHY DO THE ‘O’S IN THE ‘DOOR’ CHORUS LINE CLOSE LIKE A NORMAL DOOR AND NOT REVOLVE? This is the WHOLE POINT of the song – if the doors were just regular doors, you’d just go straight through them, be in a happy place, assuming we’re sticking with that metaphor, and there’d be no need for the song. Just plain silly. (Also there’s the ‘Arrangment’ and ‘Keypboard’ in the credits as well, but I can live with that.)

Tom: And, as someone who does this sort of animation, I can tell you it wouldn’t actually be that much more difficult.

Tim: I KNOW. But anyway, as for the actual song – it’s basically exactly what we’d expect from Yohanna, following her previous couple of appearances on these pages. If you’re in the mood for a gentle ballad that’d fit nicely on a Disney soundtrack, it’s a very good gentle ballad to have on standby – the revolving door metaphor stands up fairly well to scrutiny, and she’s got perfectly on point vocal skills, and, when called for at the end, an excellent set of lungs to blast those out with.

Tom: I don’t have enough slow ballad music in my library: it doesn’t tend to get me excited enough to get past my threshold of “I actually want to download this”. This is a great slow ballad: as usual, it doesn’t get past that threshold, but it’s not bad at all.

Tim: Basically, if I hadn’t get annoyed with this lyric video, I’d have no problems at all. It’s probably for the best that the designer didn’t put his name on the credits.