Hilda – Smashing Hearts

“Good chorus, good urgent percussion.”

Tom: Our reader, Luca, sends this in, with the comment “released in March, for some reason it’s been growing upon me.”

Tom: First, let’s deal with that YouTube title. “Offical Audio Video”? That… that would be a music video. Unless they mean “low-budget not quite a lyric video”. Baffling.

Tim: Well, ‘Official Audio’ these days can mean lyric video before the main one, so maybe they’re just covering all their bases with a proper video that contains some of the lyrics as well?

Tom: Aside from that: good chorus, good urgent percussion. And a good choice to go for the quiet middle eight back into a final chorus that… well, it could be bigger, but it’s not bad.

Tim: Not bad, no, although it didn’t stop me getting slightly bored halfway through the last part.

Tom: Oddly, the only bit that doesn’t really work for me is one particular note: that high bit on ‘hearts’. I know it’s an odd thing to nitpick, but the harmony almost sounds discordant to me for some reason.

Tim: Really? I’ve no problem with this musically at all – not hugely exciting for me right now, but for the song and genre it’s going for, it does it very well, I think.

Tom: But overall: good track.