Tom: Our reader, Canio, sends in this Italian track. “You and I are the Solution” would be the title in English; it’s the second solo single from what was, according to Canio, “the Italian 1D”.
Tim: Sounds fun, let’s have it.
Tom: Prepare yourself, because it’s a Big Love Ballad and I’m going to Type With Lots Of Capitals.
Tom: Now Canio said he wasn’t impressed with this, and I couldn’t disagree more. Listen to that chorus! That’s a brilliant chorus!
Tim: Oh, hell, yes yes it is.
Tom: Yes, it’s not pushing the boundaries of pop music at all, but I don’t care: that’s a chorus that could get belted out by any international star. Translate it and it’ll work on the international market, too.
Tim: I am so annoyed that the credits under that only list the video production team (worthy as they are, it’s a beautiful video), because I really want to know more about the team behind that. That’s the sound of an early Max Martin track there, and I want to hear more.
Tom: Basically, this passed one of my two Decent Pop Song Tests: I immediately hit replay so I could hear it again. It failed the “can I sing the chorus after one listen” test, but to be fair I don’t speak Italian so I can give it a pass on that. Listen world: this is how you do a big emotional pop song.
Tim: A Big, Big Emotional Pop Song.
Tom: Also, full marks for whoever’s doing the Big Sweeping Drone Shots in the video.
Tim: Excellent cliff-sitting action as well.