Ben Mitkus – Kills Me

“A perfectly serviceable four minutes of pop.”

Tim: A Swede who’s big off YouTube, but unlike Samir & Viktor he has a decent voice, and debuts with a decent track to go with it. Have a listen.

Tim: And by decent track, I mean perfectly serviceable four minutes of pop, really – catchy chorus, decent beat, pleasant melody.

Tom: Hmm. It has that, sure, but my brain kept wandering off onto other things during it. The production seems a bit anaemic: maybe YouTube compression hasn’t been kind to the audio, but it seems a bit like it’s being played through a really cheap stereo.

Tim: To be honest, with all the layered vocals it sounds more a like a boyband track than a solo production, but that’s fine – frankly, anything that’s, say, a third-off-an-album One Direction track is absolutely fine by me.

Tom: Third and One Direction? It’s more of a Vamps album track at best, I reckon. There’s nothing wrong with it, but there’s nothing especially right with it either. Still, could be worse.

Tim: Indeed. So good work, keep them coming.