Tom: She’s still going! Her off Can’t Fight The Moonlight and that weird Elton John-Tim Rice Aida musical!
Tim: Really? Huh, okay.
Tom: First of all: what do you mean “all those lines across my face”? You’re 33! This song sounds like it’s written for a 60-year-old.
Tim: Age wise, yes, but she has apparently got sixteen full albums under her belt, so they could be there from all the stress, you never know.
Tom: Mind you, there are a few moments where that vibrato goes a bit too far, and it sounds a bit like it’s being sung by a 60-year-old. And is that obvious autotune I hear (on ‘told’ at 0:25)? I’m not sure.
Tim: I don’t know, sounds fine for me. On a similar line to vibrato, the wobbly violin into the drop seems a bit odd, and possibly contributes to your point there.
Tom: Technical notes aside: that is one hell of a chorus. Less sure about the verses, much less sure about the lyrics, but that is one hell of a chorus.
Tim: Hmmmm…can’t quite bring myself for “hell of a”, but it’s good enough, certainly.