Tim: Let’s get the week off to a good start, shall we? Nice upbeat party track for you from Panetoz, with a title translating to If.
Tim: Each chorus line is basically “If [example of shit happening happens], we’ll have each other,” which I suppose is nice as long as you’re not the husband and wife in The Purge, but that might be too obscure a reference to stick with so I’ll move on.
Tom: Far too obscure for me. But at least, as the old saying goes, they got straight to the chorus.
Tim: Basically, for anyone not interested in violent and somewhat disturbing sociologically experimental films, it’s a let’s have fun track. So much fun, in fact, that to be honest I can’t imagine where the lyrics came from – it’s one of the biggest disjoints between music and lyrical mood I’ve heard in a while. UPBEAT PARTY SHOUT YEAH so let’s imagine the world ending PARTY WOOOH!!!
Tom: And it is a pretty good party track, isn’t it? Sure, it’s lightweight, but it gets the job done. Horn section in the background, clapping and cheering samples, boxes ticked.
Tim: Ah, well – fortunately for me I don’t know anywhere near enough Swedish to let that distract me, so I’m just going to feel happy.