Saturday Flashback: Guru Josh – Infinity (1990’s… Time for the Guru)

“Let’s talk about the original.”

Tim: Thursday’s song, Rainbow Sky, reminded me of this because it was by an act called Infinity. Well, more accurately it reminded me of 2008’s reworking by The Guru Josh Project, which stands out today as one of the best reworkings of recent times; nevertheless, let’s talk about the original.

Tom: Do we have to talk about the original? Because, well, it’s not quite as good. And, it makes that wierd, staccato duh-duh double note in the sax theme much more obvious. And… and…

Tim: And it’s…well, it’s a bit all over the place, really, isn’t it? There’s the immediately identifiable saxophone bit (which incidentally a friend at the time pointed out led rather well into the This Morning theme tune), but there’s also the almost a capello vocal section, the bass bit where nothing much is happening, the occasional vocal on top of that, the synthy keyboard section, and then the bit after that from 2:25 where it goes all over the place.

Tom: Too much. Just too much. But then, it was the 90s.

Tim: I’ll be honest: the lot that had a go in 2008, including Guru Josh himself and a few other folk, did a much better job focussing on that sax theme and a less self-important vocal. In fact, let’s play it again.

Tim: See? Better.