Tom: Always the bridesmaid, never the bride; Skylar Grey’s written a 10x-platinum-selling song and been the guest vocalist on quite a few hits. But she’s never had a big hit herself: and this, her first single from her first album, certainly wasn’t one.
Tim: Okay…
Tom: A few advance warnings: this video is borderline-NSFW. Heck, the audio’s probably NSFW. And more than this is one of the most irritating pop songs I’ve heard in a while. And it interprets a Queen track in a way that’s basically sacrilege. So why have I brought it to you?
Tim: I assume you’ll tell me later, but I’ll humour you first.
Tim: Oh…oh. That’s…somewhat surreal.
Tom: Because of THAT CHORUS. That chorus has been stuck in my head for days. And the bassline that sits under it. Everything about this is good, apart from… well, the important bits.
Tim: Ah, see I hate that baseline. But yep, that chorus is a STONKER.