Tom: Our reader, Alan, sends in the first single from Bastille’s new album. The video is very NSFW thanks to a surprising amount of artistic toplessness.
Tom: Brilliant video. Love the video. Love everything about the video.
Tim: It’s a fun video, certainly – not sure I quite get the overarching narrative, mind, but okay.
Tom: The song is… well, it’s Bastille.
Tim: Not just that, it’s good Bastille.
Tom: I can sing the chorus after one listen, so that’s a mark in its favour, and I’ll probably like it when it turns up on the radio — inevitably, repeatedly on the radio. But for some reason, as you can tell by that last, long, run-on sentence, there’s something cynical set up in my head.
I can’t work out why it hasn’t won me over. Is it just that I don’t like it, and the video distracted me?
Tim: I don’t know, because I do really like it. I listened again to be less distracted by the video, and I’ve heard it on the radio, and I’ve liked it whenever I’ve heard. Give it another go, why don’t you.
Tom: I will, but it’ll be while I’m gone. Our reader may have noticed some changes around here: partly that that’s because the site design was five years old, and partly because while I’m off for three weeks without an internet connection, someone is taking over for me. Tim, I’ll leave it with you.
Tim: I’ll try not to damage anything.