Tim: At the end of July you gave Tropical Fridays a month; with one exception last week when a brilliant track took priority, I’m pleased to inform you we’re still going strong. This got brought out in March, but is now being given an extra push, just as the clubbing season draws to a close. Nope, me neither, but here it is.
Tom: They really need to put some capitals in his Vevo account name, because I keep reading it as “mad slanger”. Anyway. This is pretty mediocre, isn’t it?
Tim: Hmmm….well…kind of, yes, and so you may well be asking yourself “has Tim brought along this largely unremarkable track just because it has tropical undertones and he wants to drag Tropical Fridays out as long as possible just to prove Tom wrong?” Well, I won’t answer that question directly, but I will say that there’s a remix available by someone called Tortuga on most of your standard streaming services such as Apple Music and Spotify, but annoyingly nowhere that’s embeddable.
Tom: Doesn’t help your case now, though, does it?
Tim: No. No, it doesn’t really. Balls.
Tom: As ever, this is one of those generic tracks where the middle eight is the best part. Doesn’t speak well for the rest of the song.
Tim: Well, that remix is a bit more worth a listen than this original, mostly because it’s more summery and dancey and worthy of the tropical title. A bit messy in places, as it doesn’t really seem to know where it’s going, but have a listen if you can, why don’t you.