Tim: The video won’t make any sense at all until I tell you that ‘dyrene’ is Swedish for ‘animals’, and if I’m honest it won’t exactly make much sense even when you do know that. Try the song, though.
Tom: I enjoyed that! I don’t know why I enjoyed that, though.
Tim: I’d posit a theory: it’s a rare example of a song with a standard vocal-focused pop structure, but, for me at least, a much better instrumental/synth backing than the vocal itself.
Tom: Yes — you’re absolutely right. Why does that chorus synth sound so good? By all rights, something that distinctive should just annoy me, but it doesn’t: it’s great.
Tim: It is, so don’t get me wrong, the vocal is still perfectly on point and I can’t complain about it (though I’ve no idea what it means so can’t comment on the tone of it). That backing under the chorus and coming after it, though, is just beautiful. Maybe it is helped by the vocal on top–
Tom: Maybe that’s it: it’s distinctive enough to be noticed, but the vocal stops it being repetitive.
Tim: –but it’s good enough that I don’t care about the simple chorus line being repeated four times after the middle eight. I think it’s WONDERFUL.