Tim: Proposition: we make this week all about last Friday, because damn there was a lot of good stuff. Take this, from the Swedish singer who’s just finished supporting McFly on their Anthology tour (which was fairly good, but THEY DIDN’T PLAY STARGIRL).
Tim: She’s styled herself as MY, and there seems to be absolutely no bio information about her on any of her social medias, so there’s no chance of anyone Googling her ever; she confessed though that she grew up listening to Abba and then discovered Nirvana, which kinds of explains the style of the track.
Tom: Really? I’m not sure I hear much Nirvana in there. Although to be fair, you can basically say that Nirvana has influenced anyone who’s ever picked up an electric guitar since the early 90s, so never mind. The track.
Tim: And what a track it is – I did think it got stupidly loud and raucous the first time I heard it, but then I realised I had it playing in two tabs at once which let’s face it rarely gives an optimal audio experience. On its own, that is exactly as loud and raucous as it should be, and excellently, the verses don’t seem too quiet in comparison, which is quiet an achievement when you consider that actually they are quite quiet.
Tom: For me, it suffers from the problem that I can’t remember it, can’t sing along with it. It might be a grower: but for us, where we’re looking at one track a day and mostly done on first impressions, that’s not great. I guess it’s… competent?
Tim: Fair enough. I see her as an excellent popstar in the making, with other tracks coming which will surely be equally very good.