Tim: Remember Amy Diamond, who we haven’t featured for several years?
Tom: No!
Tim: Fair enough. She’s now singing under her actual name, and her newest track is this; it’s FRIDAY, so let’s PARTY. Sort of, you’ll see.
Tim: Well, she loses points immediately for taking the lazy route with the video; those points are soon gained back, though, by the unexpected sax and confession to basically solving all her problems by going out and drinking.
Tom: What a massively dull sax riff, though. What on earth’s going on there? Five maudlin notes isn’t exactly enough to hang a chorus on. I realise it fits the mood of the song, though…
Tim: As far as I see it, being a retail worker, drinking to be happy is exactly the right thing to do, and I say well done to Amy for seeing things from the everyman’s view.
Tom: Mm. I suspect that’s not what it means.
Tim: That’s fair – you could look at it in a slightly darker mood, of course, and view that as a very unhealthy lifestyle and possibly verging on alcoholism, particularly with the minor key and lack of any triumphant moments, but LET’S NOT. Instead let’s PARTY and DRINK.
Tom: Are… are you OK, Tim?